วันเสาร์ที่ 27 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Highest Grossing Movies : Highest Paid Actors in Hollywood

Summer Movies - Entertainment or Just Business? Part 2
also enjoy following box office statistics and knowing random facts (Gone With The Wind is the highest grossing movie [domestic] of all time when adjusted for inflation - $1.3 Billion). Taking this into consideration, it bothers when a big
Leonardo DiCaprio and His Movies
Leo) and Rose (Kate Winslet). The tragedy of the ship and the love story propelled the film to become the highest grossing movie in the world and launched Leonardo as a young superstar.He then decided to work with seasoned directors to
Spy Cams: Bonding Film And Real Life
, and License to Kill, shown in 1989.In 1995, Pierce Brosnan played Bond in GoldenEye. This film became the highest-grossing movie of the 007 series at that time. Brosnan proceeded to star in three more 007 movies, the last one being Die
Highest Paid Actors in Hollywood
one-time famous heroes Brad Pitt and Leonardo Di Caprio earn only $20 million adding up 20 percentage of the gross box office turn over per movie.Jim Carrey was the top-earning actor collecting $39 million for his
Pardon Me, I Am Gushing Again About Movie Incomparable Audrey Hepburn
.My Fair Lady cost $17 million to make in 1964, an astounding investment in its day. It became Warner Brothers highest-grossing film at the time, and would go on to earn 12 Oscar nominations and win 8 Oscars. Many film historians

